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Isaac  @I_whistler

CODE: war10

usapl 120kg


- Ranked #1 [120kg Jr division]

- 6th heaviest 120kg jr total

- 3x USAPL American National Record holder
- 3x USAPL national Champion 
- 20+ state records
- 15+ meets 


I got my first gym membership in January 2018 after completing my senior season of wrestling. I’d always loved lifting and was fairly strong! I learned there’s actually a sport where you can just lift!!! SO competing in a powerlifting meet was something that sounded really cool to me! Then I naturally did what anyone would do. Signed up for a meet 8 weeks away HA. Anyways it’s been uphill since! 


Powerlifting has slowly become the biggest part of my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am now a full time Powerlifting coach and have my eyes set on becoming the best 120 Jr in the world. 


Lifting has brought more to me than anything else in my life. It’s more than lifting to me. I can’t say I’ve had the easiest childhood, but I know many have had harder. I am beyond great full for the position I’m at in my life. As well as the family away from home I am blessed to have with Warcat.



Lorraine @khaleesilors

CODE: lors10

usapl  52 kg


- Ranked #2 [52kg Jr division]

- CA state deadlift record:



I started powerlifting in 2018 when I was attending SJSU, while looking for a something that can act as a competitive outlet and a way to make friends.


I’m currently ranked as #2 in my weight class and division, and hold a state deadlift record. As my time in the junior division comes to an end, I’m prepping myself to climb the ranks in the Open division.


Powerlifting is, no doubt, a big part of my life, but I also value my personal and career development. Outside of powerlifting, you’ll find me working in HR for a tech company in the Bay Area or spending time with those I love!


You can always find me training at Warcat. Come say hi, I’m always down to meet new faces!




CJ @cjaydavid

CODE: cjd10

usapl  93kg


- Best competition lifts:
Squat: 551lbs / Bench: 369lbs / Deadlift: 672lbs
- Best meet total:

717.5kgs/1581.8lbs (5th best CA

- State 93kg JR total all-time out of 174)
- CA State Junior Deadlift Record: 305kgs/672.4lbs


I began my powerlifting journey in 2019 and fell in love with it ever since then. The competitive nature in me pushed me to pursue powerlifting. I played football in high school, so I needed to fill that void. I felt like something was missing in my life. Now powerlifting is a huge part of my everyday life.

In my first meet I totaled 1284lbs in 2019. I always felt like the underdog, so I continued to work towards improving my total. I totaled 1581lbs in November 2020 and broke the CA State Junior deadlift record. That day was one of the best days ever.


Outside of powerlifting, I am a full-time graduate student pursuing a Master’s in Industrial & Systems Engineering at San Jose State University. I have always had a passion for engineering because I love to challenge myself. This is a reflection of who I am as a person and I pursue powerlifting for similar reasons. I want to be challenged.


Besides training for powerlifting and school, I consider myself pretty sociable! I love to hang out with friends and hit up concerts and music festivals. I am all about good vibes… 

Anyways, keep working towards your goals! Don’t give up on yourself. If you’re ever at WARCAT, come say hi! I am always down to talk about life and powerlifting. 




Sydnee @sydlifts_

CODE: syd10

usapl  52kg



I learned about powerlifting back in 2019 when I joined Santa Barbara Powerlifting, which is the powerlifting club at UC Santa Barbara. I didn’t start right away— mostly because I couldn’t see myself as a powerlifter— but finally hopped on a program in September of 2020.


I competed in my first meet at WARCAT’s Battle of the Bay in March of 2020 and have hopes to compete at Raw Nationals and take a California bench record within the next couple of years. I’m a competitor and a performer at heart, so I thrive off the adrenaline of being on the platform. I love putting my body to the test and seeing all of my hard work in prep pay off.


I’m planning to graduate from UC Santa Barbara next June and hopefully level up at the company I currently work with. Outside of training, school, and work, I love spending time with my friends and family or chilling at home and watching Friends (the best TV show ever). 

I’ve met some of the most important people in my life through powerlifting, and the community as a whole is truly something else. If you ever come train at Warcat, I’d love to meet you!




David @dchan83kg 

CODE: darkhorse10

usapl  83kg


-Ranked 8th in 83kg open
-Ranked 3rd In CA 83kg open
-CA 83kg JR squat record [280kg]
-CA 83kg JR deadlift record [300kg]



I’ve always played sports growing up so competing is something I’ve always enjoyed. I didn’t start powerlifting until 2019 after joining my college’s powerlifting club (UCSB). 


I love powerlifting because I can measure my progress and see how much I’ve actually improved. I totaled 625kg at my first meet and 772.5kg at my most recent meet at 2021 Raw Nationals. Seeing my progress is motivating and pushes me to be the best in my weight class. 


Outside of powerlifting, I’m a pretty chill guy. You can catch me at concerts, traveling, and on the slopes in the winter!




haley @haleyy_hunter 

CODE: hunter10

usapl 63kg


-Ranked #1 [63kg teen 3]

- Squat & total National record holder

- 3x all around CA record holder



I first began competitively powerlifting at the age of 17 back in 2019. At first it was for fun to kinda get to know what it’s like to compete and at the time I didn’t understand how strong I was and at my 1st meet I ended up breaking 2 California state records for my class and division, so after that day I saw how much potential I had in the sport and from there on I feel in love with the feeling of competing. I became ver passionate about it and enjoy what comes afterwards from all the hard work when it’s finally poured into the platform! This sport has been my blessing. 

My current status in Powerlifting Is I hold all the California state records for teen2 & teen3 (63kg) I as well Rank all time #1 in the nation for my class and division and I hold 2 national records (squat & total)

 My venture in teen3 is coming to an end in a couple of months and I have one last time to compete soon before I enter the Jr division. I am very excited for what’s to come and to enter the JR division.


Right now I am a full time powerlifter, and hope to go back to school soon so I can along the lines get into the chiropractic field to help myself better understand my own body to improve myself in powerlifting and help others as well because its what I love to do!




Cameron @cam.akira

CODE: akira10

usapl - 74kg Jr


- RANKED 6th [74kg jr]

- Alabama state records [74kg jr]:

squat (262.5kg/579lbs)

deadlift (287.5kg/634lbs)

total (700kg/1543lbs) at 70.8kg/156lbs


After spending a year playing rugby at Auburn University, I turned to powerlifting as the hobby that would keep me busy (and sane) while finishing up school. I started in January of 2019 had my first meet a few months later in March, where I set 3 state records as a 74kg in the Teen 3 class. Every since my first competition, I felt like powerlifting became less of a hobby and more of a lifestyle. 


I am currently ranked 6th as 74kg Raw Junior in the USAPL. I have been powerlifting for a little over 2 years now, and I do not plan on stopping anytime soon. I believe I can achieve greatness in this sport with the mindset I have and the support I receive.


I currently work as one of the managers of a gym while I finish my last month of school. I plan on joining the military after I graduate to support my pursuit of a career in physical therapy. I plan on to continue powerlifting as long as body will allow me to!

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RJ @romyjay_ 

CODE: rjay10

usapl - 63kg


Under construction ;) 


I first started powerlifting in 2018. Before that I was just your average gym bro doing arms everyday and quarter squatting. I tried it out because I had already been going to the gym for so long and thought why not. 

I was #6 in the state after my last competition as a junior, and now that I’m in the open category, I’m aiming to become Top 10 nationally. 

The gym has always been a HUGE part of my life since I was a sophomore in high school. I always wanted to get bigger because I was really fucking skinny. My life pretty much just revolves around physical activities. I like being active for the most part, but I do play video games, and sit on my phone or computer a lot as well.

I currently am working as a furniture mover, but I’m going back to school to get my degree in nursing.

I train in Fresno at The Iron Office, but sometimes Ill make a trip to Warcat. If you ever see me, please say hi. Im really fucking shy, but I love having a good carefree time.



Lin @1indyt

CODE: lindy10 

usapl - 52kg jr


- RANKED 3RD [52kg jr]


Ever since I was 12 years old I’ve always been the only athletic one in my family, I did a little bit of everything from volleyball to dance. Towards the end of my senior year I got into lifting weights and realized I only cared about strength more than my physique & began my powerlifting journey in 2019.


Powerlifting plays a huge part of my life. Aside from lifting weights I also help manage my parents business. When I’m not in the gym you can find me shopping, looking for new coffee places to try out or spending time with my siblings. 



Vince @vince.bualoy 

CODE: vin10

usapl - 120kg





Summer 2018 is when I first started powerlifting under FlexxTrainingSystems. Ever since then I’ve competed at many local meets and one Raw Nationals in 2019.


Powerlifting has taught me a handful of lessons and without the sport I don’t think I’d ever become the person that I am today. I’ve also found many friends that I’ll forever cherish through the sport!

I currently work as a personal trainer at Warcat, but am also pursuing a career as a “Quality Assurance Engineer” within the software/application tech industry. I’m very much a homebody. Fun fact about me is that I love anime/manga, video games, and sports!


Don’t be shy and come on through to visit the team and I at Warcat. The facility, the people, and the VIBES make a huge difference!!



Gaby @gabsliftss 

CODE: gabs10

usapl - 


- Working on it! 



I started going to the gym around late 2016 -  early 2017 to lose weight, feel better, and have more confidence. Early 2018 I was introduced to powerlifting by my friend who was a personal trainer at Crunch before. 


I'm currently working towards qualifying for Nationals, and although I'm not quite there yet, I use every training session as a chance for me to get closer to my goal. 


Outside of powerlifting, I'm either studying, playing video games, or hanging out with my friends. I'm currently a Kinesiology Major working towards to becoming a DPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Catch a vibe with me during Warcat Saturdays, where everyone is welcome!





CODE: jp10

usapl - 120/120+kg


- Powerlifting 3 years

- with warcat since 2018 

- WARCAT vibe master



I started going to the gym around late 2016 -  early 2017 to lose weight, feel better, and have more confidence. Early 2018 I was introduced to powerlifting by my friend who was a personal trainer at Crunch before. 


I'm currently working towards qualifying for Nationals, and although I'm not quite there yet, I use every training session as a chance for me to get closer to my goal. 


Outside of powerlifting, I'm either studying, playing video games, or hanging out with my friends. I'm currently a Kinesiology Major working towards to becoming a DPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Catch a vibe with me during Warcat Saturdays, where everyone is welcome!


© 2023  WARCAT Strength

299 Bassett st. San Jose, CA 95128

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